I was very sad to read recently about the demise of Flemings Creamoata , a long time staple of any civilized breakfast table. I loved the Fine Ground Creamoata - porridge made with it had the consistency of pudding - smooth & creamy. Anyway I wrote to Nestle and asked for the “recipe“ and was pleased to receive a reply the same day - with details of how to make my own Creamoata - thanks Danielle from Customer Services ! ”Recipe“ is not quite the right word as it turns out, since Creamoata is just Rolled Oats that has been milled to a fine consistency - so more like ”Processing Instructions“. Here are the instructions: Medium Ground Creamoata Place Rolled Oats in a food processor and process on highest speed for approximately 4 minutes. Fine Ground Creamoata Place Rolled Oats in a food processor and process on highest speed for approximately 8 minutes. Easy eh? Don’t fill the food processor more than about 1/2 full. Here’s my favorite recipe for preparing Creamoata oats for breakfas...