More reasons why US Healthcare system is busted
The US government needs to procure health care for it's elderly and disabled citizens. In actual fact, the US government can't procure health care per se, it can only procure health care insurance - and I presume it's fairly basic cover which is why folks can choose to upgrade (at their expense) to Medicare Advantage. What is immediately clear, is that Health Care delivery is first and foremost a for-profit system with all of the middle men a large multi-tier commercial system needs.
There are salesmen knocking on doors seeking to sell you Health Care, and these guys want to get paid. The insurance companies need to make a profit, so do Hospitals and local clinics.
How much of the actual Health Care budget (from all payers; individuals, companies & government agencies) actually buys a health care service or product ? Is it even 50% ?
So, we pay a premium for Health Care (in order to create profits for providers & salespeople) - but does this premium result in advancements and innovation usually associated with a commercial approach. Let's explore this for a second:
Drug companies, and medical equipment companies, are commercial entities that sell their products to anyone who can afford it. So this means that regardless of how the Health Care delivery system is funded, these innovations are available. Countries with Public Health Care Systems have as many MRI machines, cancer drugs and other "advancements" as they care to buy. Clearly, the method by which the delivery mechanism is funded does not determine whether advanced health care is available.
So, does a Hospital have to be a profit making business in order to have an MRI machine?
Does the hospital have to be paid by a profit-making insurance company in order to offer services ?
Can Public & Private Health Care Systems co-exist ?
Do you want medical decisions made for you buy a doctor, or an actuary ?